Go Now Missions mobilizes Texas university students to share the love of Christ across the world. We are a ministry of Texas Baptists, a cooperative organization of Baptist churches in Texas.

Go Now Missions is made possible by your gifts to the Mary Hill Davis Offering.

About Go Now Missions

A student missions program, now called Go Now Missions, began in 1946. That summer, four students were sent to Hawaii to conduct a youth revival and Vacation Bible School. Since that beginning, over 9000 students have been sent around the world as student missionaries. Students throughout Texas have raised more than $3.6 million dollars to support their peers who have served as missionaries.

We are a ministry of the Texas Baptists (Baptist General Convention of Texas, BGCT). Texas Baptists are a cooperative organization of Baptist churches in Texas. The Baptist General Convention of Texas encourages, facilitates and connects churches in their work to fulfill God’s mission of reconciling the world to himself.

Opportunities vary from digging a water well to starting a church in a coffee shop. Go Now Missions sends students across the state, the USA and the world. From Alaska to Zambia, students can serve from 1 week to 12 months. Opportunities for service are available during Christmas break, in the summer or for a semester.

To serve, a student must be enrolled in a Texas university, have membership in a Baptist church or be involved in a local Baptist Campus Ministry. Students attending university out of state can apply if their home church is a Texas Baptist church.

Our ultimate goal is to grow up a generation of mission-minded adults, investing in God’s work across our state, nation and the world.

Field Photos

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Go Now Missions
PO Box 195439
Arlington, TX 76019